Game Development & Features
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Game Development & Features
Last updated
In the MHUNT platform, the progression through the ranks hinges directly on a player's performance, primarily their kill score. For every kill, a player earns one experience point (XP). Conversely, being killed results in a loss of one XP (-1 XP for death, +1 XP for a kill).
To illustrate how XP impacts level progression, consider the following breakdown:
Level 1 to Level 10: Players level up for every 10 XP earned.
Level 11 to Level 20: Players level up for every 20 XP earned.
Level 21 to Level 30: Players level up for every 25 XP earned.
It's crucial to understand that a player's kill score is cumulative across game rounds. This means players aren't required to achieve a specific number of kills in a single game session to level up. Instead, each kill contributes to their ongoing progress, dictating when they achieve the milestone of leveling up and securing the associated rewards.